dogIDs "How-To" Dog Blog

Best Dog Breeds for First-Time Pet Parents
What Are the Best Dog Breeds for First-Time Pet Parents?Every dog is an individual, regardless of her breed or mix of breeds. When you're thinking about getting a dog, you'll receive tons of opinions about which breed of dog is best for you and you'll have to take that advice in stride. For example, golden retrievers and Labs are often recommended as great family pets, but some retrievers can also…
Puppies as Christmas Gifts - What to Think About
Adopting a new dog or puppy is an important decision that should involve the entire family. That’s true no matter what time of year it is. Keeping that in mind, the following are some tips to consider if you’re planning to give a family member a dog or puppy this Christmas. Choosing a dog as a family gift together I can’t think of a better surprise than a cute puppy with a red bow around…
Fur Babies - An Alternative to Having Kids?
I am a newlywed, which means everybody is asking when my husband and I are going to have kids. It’s a tough question to answer. Am I ready for children? Do I even want to have kids? Can’t our two cats and Boxer-mix dog be enough? They sure feel like kids to me, and truth be told, I usually prefer spending time with animals anyway. Not to mention the fact that we are still paying off debt, sa…
How to Introduce a New Dog to Your Cat
Many of us live with both dogs and cats and they all get along fine. I have a Lab mix and two cats, and the cats definitely rule the house. Still, whenever a new dog visits I always make sure to consider the safety of my cats during introductions. Even though my cats are used to dogs, I never know exactly how the visiting dog will react and it's just better to use precaution.If you already have a…
The Many Benefits of Adopting Senior Dogs
November is Adopt a Senior Dog Month! Because older dogs are often overlooked in shelters in place of a fluffy, energetic puppy, we wanted to highlight some of the amazing things that come with having a pup in your home with more mileage.There are various reasons people prefer younger dogs, but older dogs have so much to offer as well! Here are some reasons you might want to think twice about the…
How to Stop Your Dog From Barking When Home Alone
When I first adopted my dog Ace, he would bark for 20 minutes every time I left for work (those high-pitched, annoying yips!). This was stressful for me, because I lived in an apartment at the time and didn’t want my new dog to cause problems with my neighbors. I remember asking a friend what I should do, and she said not to worry. She believed my dog would adjust just fine to my ro…
What to Expect When Owning a Deaf Pet
Every dog deserves a chance at adoption. Often times pets with medical issues are overlooked, but our friend, Christina Lee, at Deaf Dogs Rock is trying to change the views on adopting deaf dogs.What is it like to own a deaf pet? Owning a deaf dog isn't that much different from owning a hearing dog. We look at it from the standpoint of our deaf dogs are 1. Dogs first 2. a Breed second 3. De…
The First Steps to Training your New Dog
Did any of you adopt a dog or puppy over the holidays? Sometimes training a new pup can be overwhelming. Where do you even start? To help you out, I thought I’d go over some of the basics. January is also National Train Your Dog Month, which was selected by the Association of Professional Dog Trainers to raise awareness about the importance of dog training. It’s a good reminder for all of…
Emma's Adoption Story - Celebrate Adopt-A-Dog Month
Happy Adopt-A-Dog Month!This August, dogIDs was lucky enough to welcome a new pack member to our office.Our production specialist, Keely, adopted a spunky little boxer named Emma. We decided to celebrate Adopt-A-Dog month by telling you their story!Emma's StoryKeely knew she had a love for boxers. This winter the pack was devastated when Keely had to say goodbye to her first boxer, Lux. As th…
National Dog Week: Rescuing, Fostering & Dog-Filled
National Dog Week, the Best Week of the Year! Attention all you party animals, it’s time to celebrate canines! This week is National Dog Week, which runs through the last week in September. This barktastic holiday is said to be started by Captain William Judy in 1928 to educate dog owners about their responsibilities to their pets and communities. Speaking of community, we wanted to honor t…
How to Prepare for Your First Dog
Getting your first dog? Here's a checklist to help. You've decided that you want a dog, but what do you do now? When you get your first dog, it is important to do some research. I do not have any pets but decided that I would like to get a dog. I have been scouring the internet looking for the best breed, training tips and how to puppy proof my apartment. Here is a checklist that I made up that…
Shop, Donate and Save A Pet's Life Today
At dogIDs, we improve the lives of dogs. Whether we’re sending supplies to the dogs affected by natural disasters or supporting our localshelter’s events and fundraisers or volunteering our time, our staff gives with a purpose.We’re excited to announce that starting in January 2015, dogIDs has given our customers the chance to give back by launching our “Paw It Forward” program.Paw It ForwardEach…
October is Adopt A Shelter Dog Month
Many people have heard the phrase "Adopt, don't shop" as soon as they mention that they would like to get a dog. But have you ever wondered why people feel so strongly about this phrase? October is Adopt-A-Dog month. This month become a pet parent to an animal in need.Adopt A Dog MonthEvery year 5-7 million dogs enter shelters. The average age of shelter dogs is just 18 months.Dogs are sent to she…
Shelter or Pet Store? Where to Find Your Next Pet
When you decide to expand your family by getting a new furry friend, you have to make a choice between buying a dog or adopting one from a shelter. But what decision is right for your family?Pet Store PupsWhen buying a dog from a pet store you need to know that most of these pups come from puppy mills. Puppy mills owners are not loving, nurturing breeders. They run high volume puppy manufacturing…
What Does It Take To Run An Animal Shelter?
Every dog deserves a loving home. Most of us would like to adopt every dog that we meet until we snap back to reality and realize that it is impossible to do. But there are still many ways to help! Whether it’s promoting a rescue shelter, volunteering, adopting a dog or donating items, every little thing helps a dog in need of a forever home.What Does it Take to Run a Shelter?Fur Kids located i…