dogIDs "How-To" Dog Blog

What To Know When Looking For A Purebred Dog
The emotions you get when adding a puppy or even an adult dog to your family is a little bit what I imagine skydiving might feel like. It is filled with anticipation, anxiety, excitement and a sense of euphoria when they finally come home. A huge part of the anticipation and anxiety is finding the right dog for your family. If you are looking for a loving pet and family member, adopting a shelt…
What to Know About Active Duty Military Dogs
What You Should Know About Active Duty Military Dogs Military working dogs are an important part of our military branches. After selecting Military Working Dog Team Support Association Inc. (MWDTSA) as our Paw It Forward partner for 2015, we quickly learned just how amazing these dogs really are. From this partnership with MWDTSA, the dogIDs pack was given the opportunity to visit a military dog…
The Top Dog Names of 2014 for Puppy Name Ideas
One of the best things about working at dogIDs is that you get to see all kinds of creative dog names go by. Whether you're in engraving, shipping or talking with customers - you get to be exposed to a huge variety of dog names - for dogs of every breed, size and temperament!Top 20 Dog Names We thought it would be fun to go back through the orders of 2014 and find out which dog names "reigned…