dogIDs "How-To" Dog Blog

Tips for Keeping Your Dog Safe at Night
Whether it's a long summer evening or a brisk winter walk after work, you and your dog like to spend time outside when it's dark out. You want to make sure you and your dog are visible to drivers when you’re out and about, so the following are a couple of safety tips to keep in mind, no matter the season.Tips for Keeping Your Dog Safe at NightKeep your dog close Last October I was driving home…
What Should You Do If You Find a Dog in the Cold?
With winter storms sweeping across the United States, it’s more important than ever to keep an eye on your pets outside and look out for other animals as well. The Bomb Cyclone has passed, but cold weather is here to stay a while longer.It seems that every summer local news stations air story after story about what to do if you find a dog locked in a hot car. Yet, we don’t seem to hear a thing abo…