dogIDs "How-To" Dog Blog

What is IMHA and What are the Symptoms?
Pet health issues are becoming more easily diagnosed every day. Since dogIDs started making medical alert tags, we would get calls about creating tags with specific disease info on them.This past year we created an IMHA tag after getting multiple requests from our customers. None of our pack members knew what IMHA was. After doing some research and asking vets, we wanted to share what we learned.…
What To Know When Looking For A Purebred Dog
The emotions you get when adding a puppy or even an adult dog to your family is a little bit what I imagine skydiving might feel like. It is filled with anticipation, anxiety, excitement and a sense of euphoria when they finally come home. A huge part of the anticipation and anxiety is finding the right dog for your family. If you are looking for a loving pet and family member, adopting a shelt…
Pet Poison Prevention – What You Need to Know
March is Pet Poison Prevention Awareness Month, and we want to remind pet owners about some of the most common pet poisons found in and around people’s homes. Sometimes pet lovers are not aware that certain household items can actually be very toxic to dogs and cats. We created this infographic to help raise awareness about some of the most common causes of pet poisoning.Pet Pois…