dogIDs "How-To" Dog Blog

Dog Bite Prevention - Statistics and What to Do
National Dog Bite Prevention Week takes place the second week of April every year so we put together this infographic with statistics on dog bites in the United States for our readers.Dog Bite Prevention You'll notice that some of the reasons dogs bite include fear or pain, resource guarding or re-directing their aggression. A couple of things you can do to help prevent dog bites include…
How to Keep Your Pets Safe During Natural Disasters
When natural disasters strike, many people have plans in place to make sure their families stay safe. Though you may be ready to stay safe, there’s often one family member that can be forgotten in the rush of an emergency: the family pet.June is National Pet Preparedness Month - a month where pet parents are encouraged to think about their disaster plans.National Pet Preparedness MonthDogs, cats,…
October is Adopt A Shelter Dog Month
Many people have heard the phrase "Adopt, don't shop" as soon as they mention that they would like to get a dog. But have you ever wondered why people feel so strongly about this phrase? October is Adopt-A-Dog month. This month become a pet parent to an animal in need.Adopt A Dog MonthEvery year 5-7 million dogs enter shelters. The average age of shelter dogs is just 18 months.Dogs are sent to she…