dogIDs "How-To" Dog Blog

What to Expect When Owning a Deaf Pet
Every dog deserves a chance at adoption. Often times pets with medical issues are overlooked, but our friend, Christina Lee, at Deaf Dogs Rock is trying to change the views on adopting deaf dogs.What is it like to own a deaf pet? Owning a deaf dog isn't that much different from owning a hearing dog. We look at it from the standpoint of our deaf dogs are 1. Dogs first 2. a Breed second 3. De…
How to Transition Your Dog to a Raw Diet
A raw diet can be beneficial for your dog’s health and development. Many dog owners are turning to raw food to create a diet specific to their breed’s needs. You may have heard about it on TikTok, Facebook, or Instagram; however, a raw food diet for dogs is far from a contemporary practice. In fact, raw pet food diets have a rich history. Before domestication, the ancestors of our presen…