
Celebrating Thankfulness For Our Dogs

Celebrating Thankfulness For Our Dogs

This Thanksgiving, we're especially thankful for our fans, customers, and their dogs. We asked people, "Why are you thankful for your pet?" and their beautiful responses are as follows:

Why are you thankful for your pet?

Mary P.

Contest Winner, Mary P. “She has taught me the power 

of forgiveness, unconditional love & living in the moment.”

Lauren R.

Thanksgiving Contest Second Place Winner, Lauren R.

"I am thankful for how well my dog loves me... 

we could learn a lot about how to love others 

thinking about how our dogs love us!"

Lindsey L.

“He is my ultimate mood-booster. He

makes my day brighter just by looking

at that sweet smiling face of his.” 

-Lindsey L.

Bob M.

“I am thankful for her because she is my constant companion 

and she goes with me everywhere.” -Bob M.

Erica S.

“They have saved my life.” -Erica S.

Lisa W.

“My dog is the reason why I no longer
rely full time on a wheelchair.” -Lisa W.

Tara W.

“My dogs teach me to give of myself and

expecting nothing in return, to forgive quickly

and to love others unconditionally.” -Tara W.

Michael D.

“I suffer from debilitating arthritis but it’s hard to get

down about it when Trixie loves to snuggle and 

give me kisses.” -Michael D.

Mary H.

“After my husband, Chuck, had cancer surgery
Bailey will not let him out of sight and is Chuck’s
guardian angel.” -Mary H.

The pictures above are just a few great examples of how dogs can make a difference in the lives of their owners. We'd love to invite you to share in a comment below why you're thankful for your pet this holiday season.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Jul 07, 2015 Lacey Guck

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