
dogIDs Featured in Fargo Monthly Magazine

dogIDs Featured in Fargo Monthly Magazine

clint and his two dogs

dogIDs in Fargo Monthly

This March, local publication Fargo Monthly Magazine included dogIDs in their article on startup businesses in the Fargo, ND area. The article focused on five different startups in our area that showed a shift in the local business climate.

In addition to a great action shot of dogIDs “Pack Leader” Clint Howitz with his dogs, River and Syrus, the article covers the history of our company and tips Clint would give to up and coming entrepreneurs. We were pleased to be included in the article alongside some truly innovative and inspiring businesses.

Meet 5 Startups - Fargo Monthly Magazine

Have any questions or comments on the article? Let us know!

Mar 25, 2014 Shelby Cochran

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