
Shelter or Pet Store? Where to Find Your Next Pet

Shelter or Pet Store? Where to Find Your Next Pet

When you decide to expand your family by getting a new furry friend, you have to make a choice between buying a dog or adopting one from a shelter. But what decision is right for your family?

Pet Store Pups

When buying a dog from a pet store you need to know that most of these pups come from puppy mills. Puppy mills owners are not loving, nurturing breeders. They run high volume puppy manufacturing with only one goal in mind, to earn highest possible income with very little expense. Most of these dogs are kept in inhumane conditions, locked in cages all their life and bred twice a year. By buying a puppy mill dog you are supporting their way of business. Remember, without demand for product or service there is no puppy mill business.

Group of dogs on the road

Shelter Dogs

Each shelter dog comes with a backstory. Shelters provide background information on some of their dogs, for others they can only guess what they went through based on their behavior. Unfortunately, a lot of shelter dogs come from neglect and abusive households and at the beginning, they may be terrified of interacting with humans or other dogs. With time they will learn to trust and love you and they will be forever grateful for giving them a second chance in life.

People tend to struggle between adopting a puppy vs. an adult dog. Many of us want to watch the dog grow up and train them as our own. The advantage to adopting an adult dog is that usually, older dogs are past their puppy trouble stage and housetrained, which makes your life a bit easier.

A big challenge when adopting a dog is dedicating plenty of time to your new furry family member. This the time to set your house rules and follow them from day one, making it easier to teach them correct habits and manners at home. Some dogs will fit right in with their family and are easy to train, others need more time and patience to adapt to their new home and family.

Regardless where your dog comes from, bringing this furry creature to your family will have a positive impact on everyone in your household. Your lives will change for better. The new dog will put you on a daily schedule, you will get more exercise, they will put a smile on your face on a daily basis and will love you unconditionally for the rest of their lives. So do some research, choose a dog that will fit your lifestyle the best, make them part of your family, have fun and love them, because at the end that’s all they want, to be loved.

Benefits of Adopting a Shelter Dog

Adopting a shelter dog comes with numerous benefits that can positively impact both your life and the dog's life. Here are some compelling reasons to consider adopting from a shelter.

Saving a Life

One of the most significant benefits of adopting a shelter dog is saving a life. Many shelters are overcrowded and underfunded, leading to difficult decisions about which animals to keep. By adopting a dog from a shelter, you are giving that dog a second chance at life, and in many cases, freeing up space for another animal in need.

Reducing Overpopulation

Pet overpopulation is a serious issue, with millions of dogs and cats being euthanized each year due to a lack of homes. By adopting a shelter dog, you are helping to reduce the demand for breeding and puppy mills, contributing to the overall effort to control pet overpopulation.

Health Benefits

Shelter dogs often receive comprehensive veterinary care before they are put up for adoption. This care typically includes vaccinations, spaying or neutering, and a thorough health check. When you adopt from a shelter, you can be assured that your new pet has been examined and treated for any health issues.


Adopting a dog from a shelter is generally much more affordable than buying one from a breeder or pet store. The adoption fee often covers initial veterinary expenses, which can include spaying or neutering, vaccinations, and microchipping. This can save you a significant amount of money on initial medical costs.

Supporting Animal Welfare

When you adopt a shelter dog, you are supporting organizations dedicated to animal welfare. Your adoption fee helps fund the shelter's operations, including feeding, housing, and medical care for other animals. Additionally, adopting from a shelter helps promote the message of rescue and adoption, encouraging others to consider this humane option.

Preparing for a Shelter Dog

Bringing a shelter dog into your home requires some preparation to ensure a smooth transition for both you and your new pet.

Creating a Safe Space

Before bringing your new dog home, set up a comfortable and safe space for them. This can include a cozy bed, toys, and water and food bowls. Providing a designated area helps your dog feel secure and adjust to their new environment more easily.

Gathering Supplies

Make sure you have all the necessary supplies before bringing your shelter dog home. This includes a collar, leash, food, water bowls, and any grooming tools you might need. Having everything ready in advance can help reduce stress for both you and your new pet.

Introducing Your Dog to Their New Home

When you first bring your shelter dog home, give them time to explore their new surroundings at their own pace. Allow them to sniff around and become familiar with different areas of the house. Be patient and provide positive reinforcement to help them feel comfortable and welcome.

Building a Strong Bond

Developing a strong bond with your shelter dog is essential for a successful adoption. Here are some tips to help build that bond.

Consistent Routine

Dogs thrive on routine, so establish a consistent schedule for feeding, walking, and playtime. This helps your dog know what to expect and can reduce anxiety and behavioral issues.

Positive Reinforcement

Use positive reinforcement techniques to train and bond with your dog. Reward them with treats, praise, and affection when they display good behavior. This helps build trust and reinforces your bond.

Spending Quality Time Together

Spend plenty of quality time with your dog to strengthen your relationship. This can include daily walks, playtime, and simply relaxing together. The more time you spend with your dog, the stronger your bond will become.

Adopting a Shelter Dog: A Rewarding Experience

Adopting a shelter dog can be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life. Not only are you giving a deserving animal a loving home, but you are also gaining a loyal and grateful companion. The joy and unconditional love that a shelter dog can bring into your life are immeasurable.

So, the next time you consider adding a furry friend to your family, think about adopting from a shelter. You will not only save a life but also enrich your own in countless ways.

Enhancing Safety with Dog Tracking Collars

In addition to adopting a shelter dog, ensuring their safety and well-being is a top priority for any pet owner. One way to enhance your new furry friend's safety is by using dog tracking collars. These collars offer real-time location tracking, making it easier to locate your dog if they ever wander off or get lost.

Dog tracking collars are especially beneficial for newly adopted shelter dogs who may be more prone to exploring or escaping due to their unfamiliarity with their new environment. By using a tracking collar, you can monitor your dog's whereabouts, providing peace of mind and ensuring a quicker recovery if they go missing.

Investing in a dog tracking collar not only protects your pet but also reinforces the commitment to their safety and well-being. This simple yet effective tool can make all the difference in keeping your new family member safe and secure.

About The Author

Mira Alicki is a jewelry designer and goldsmith for the past 22 years. Her passion for animals led her to create her own line of jewelry and online store to benefit charities. 40% of each purchase is donated back to the animal community. You can find Mira on Twitter (@FIMHjewelry) or at

Mira Alicki

Feb 22, 2022 Guest Blogger

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