
Cuteness Overload at Local Family-Friendly Dog Show

Cuteness Overload at Local Family-Friendly Dog Show

Dozens of dogs and their parents got together at the West Fargo Parks Dog Show on Tuesday, August 13th for a fun night of friendly competition. The family event featured a search and rescue dog agility demonstration, a cutest puppy contest and various small and large dog contests. Pet parents showing their dogs ranged from preschool-aged children to grandparents. Dog breeds in attendance included Labs, Golden Retrievers, a hairless Chinese Crested and a Pub/Lab mix.

Dog Show Judges

Ashley Farkas and I (the marketing team at dogIDs) were thrilled to help judge the dog show thanks to an invite from Popster FM's Ryan Kelly. It turns out determining which puppy is the cutest or which small dog is the best dressed is very, very hard! We had a great time and thought you might want to see some of the photos from the event.

Videos of Best Tricks

The Small Dog Best Trick winner was also named Best in Show. Check out the video of Mater doing a trick: chasing bubbles. You can also watch the Large Dog Best Trick winner, Max, flip a treat off his nose and into his mouth. These dogs and their owners are amazing.

Have you ever taken your dog to a fun or professional dog show? Tell us all about it in the comments below!

Jul 10, 2023 Sarah Klaphake

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