dogIDs "How-To" Dog Blog

5 Life Lessons Dogs Can Teach Us
When I sit back and think about the quirks of each of my pets, it’s really interesting to compare my cats to my dog. Captain is my old man cat and is cranky, lazy and finicky, albeit a cuddle bug at night. Little Girl is young at heart, rambunctious, a little crazy and always into something.And then there’s Brick. He often sports his sad, gentle eyes during downtime, but mostly he is a happy dog.&…
Thanksgiving - Should You Share Food With Your Dog?
Do you plan to share some of your turkey with your dog this Thanksgiving? Turkey can be a safe treat for dogs in moderation, but feeding table scraps can also lead to unwanted behavior such as begging. The following are some tips from veterinarians on how to help dog owners decide what's best for their own unique dogs. Table scraps as treats Dr. John Faught is the medical director of Fireh…