
dogIDs "How-To" Dog Blog

5 Commands Every Dog Should Know

5 Commands Every Dog Should Know

While we're all aware our dogs should know basic commands, sometimes we need a reminder on why certain commands are so important and how they can even save a dog's life. These commands are not just for show; they form the foundation of good behavior and safety for our furry friends. This is my list of the top 5 commands I believe all dogs should know and respond to. If you have additional commands to add to the list, please mention them in the comments. Your input can help other dog owne …
Jul 08, 2023 Lindsay Stordahl

5+ Diet and Nutrition Tips for Dogs

5+ Diet and Nutrition Tips for Dogs

With countless options ranging from grain-free kibble to raw diets, it's easy to feel overwhelmed. Adding to the complexity is the fact that each dog has unique dietary needs based on factors like breed, age, activity level, and health conditions.  A well-rounded approach to feeding your dog involves more than just choosing the right commercial food. It includes incorporating fresh vegetables and fruits, ensuring adequate protein intake, monitoring weight, and providing proper hydration. …
Jul 08, 2023 Lindsay Stordahl

Embroidered Awareness Dog Leashes

Embroidered Awareness Dog Leashes

When I foster dogs, it would be great to have a leash that says “ADOPT ME” to let people know the cute dog at my side is looking for a home. I like to take my foster dogs out and about to public places to get them attention, but I’m shy about starting conversations with strangers. This type of leash could help me get a conversation going with potential adopters. dogIDs is now offering Embroidered Awareness Dog Leashes. These nylon leashes come in highly visible colors and you can ch …
Jul 08, 2023 Lindsay Stordahl

How to Stop a Puppy from Biting

How to Stop a Puppy from Biting

Should My Puppy Bite?If you've ever been nipped by a playful puppy, you know how bad those little teeth can hurt. It's also important that we teach our puppies not to bite so they don't continue to do so as they grow up. The following are some tips to teach your puppy appropriate manners.Stop a Puppy from Biting1. Rotate which toys are available.One way to prevent your puppy from biting you is to keep lots of interesting chew toys available. Each puppy will have different toy preferences, but tr …
Jul 08, 2023 Lindsay Stordahl

What to Do When an Off-Leash Dog Charges You

What to Do When an Off-Leash Dog Charges You

What Do You Do When a Dog Charges you? You’ve probably been out walking your dog, minding your own business, when someone’s off-leash dog charges you. While this is often annoying, it’s usually no big deal as long as both dogs are friendly. But what if your dog isn’t friendly? Or, what if the approaching dog isn’t friendly? The following are some tips on possible ways to handle an approaching dog, keeping in mind that every situation is different. What not to do when you see an off-leash …
Jul 08, 2023 Lindsay Stordahl

3 Major Benefits of Name Plate Dog Collars

3 Major Benefits of Name Plate Dog Collars

Could you use a new collar for your puppy? While standard collars are lovely, customized nameplate collars are the way to go. These collars provide dog owners with tremendous advantages you’ll get excited to learn about. Continue reading to explore three benefits of nameplate dog collars. Name Plate Collars Are QuietAre you tired of the noisy jingle you hear from traditional ID tags? You can hear the rattling when your pup is drinking or eating. Every movement is a chance for the tag to ping aga …
Jul 08, 2023 Sabrina Kremer

How to Help a Dog Feel Calm When Left Alone

How to Help a Dog Feel Calm When Left Alone

"Separation anxiety" is a phrase that's often used when a dog becomes anxious when left alone. Some dogs with separation anxiety will bark all day when left alone. Others are so nervous they have accidents, and some dogs will destroy property in an attempt to get out of the house.On the other hand, just because your dog is acting this way does not necessarily mean he has true "separation anxiety." It could just be that he's bored or that he's not fully potty trained like you thought. Or maybe he …
Jul 08, 2023 Lindsay Stordahl

5 Ways to Celebrate National Dog Day

5 Ways to Celebrate National Dog Day

Today is National Dog Day, a day where we celebrate man's best friend and bring awareness to the many worthy dogs that need a home.  Dogs are great companions,  always there to comfort us when we're sad and make us laugh with their antics. They deserve some appreciation! With that in mind, here are the top 5 things you can do today to celebrate. National Dog Day1) Adopt a Dog Obviously this doesn't work for everyone, but if you've been thinking about it and have yet to …
Jul 08, 2023 Shelby Cochran

What Are Your Unspoken Rules While Dog Walking?

What Are Your Unspoken Rules While Dog Walking?

Each dog owner has her own set of “rules” she follows while out and about with her pup.For example, I’m pretty firm with my two dogs and don’t let them get away with much. (Tough love.) I’m sure you have your own dog walking “rules” as well, whether as a fellow dog owner or when using a dog walking service.And have you ever come across another dog on a walk and thought to yourself, “My dog would never do that!” Or, “I would never let my dog get away with that!”I think those things all the time!M …
Jul 08, 2023 Lindsay Stordahl

Tips For Taking Care Of A Senior Dog

Tips For Taking Care Of A Senior Dog

Why you should consider adopting an older pet.In the U.S., 86% of pets in animal welfare organizations are turned over due to “owner-specific reasons,” meaning the inability to care for the pet for the remainder of its life. However, there are plenty of benefits to adopting an older dog that you may not know about!Older pets are usually more obedient, house trained and more calm than younger dogs. Not only are they are less likely to be destructive to your house, they don’t require as much …
Jul 08, 2023 Guest Blogger

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