
dogIDs "How-To" Dog Blog

Celebrating Our Dogs on Love Your Pet Day

Celebrating Our Dogs on Love Your Pet Day

We stay busy with jobs, travel, kids, and spouses, so sometimes our pet doesn’t get the quality time they need. Even though we love our pets every day, it is nice to have an official day to pamper your pet even more. There are many ways to celebrate Love Your Pet Day and here are a few of our favorites!Love Your Pet Day Take your dog on a longer walk. Exercise is very important for you and your dog, so why not treat him to a different walking path. Your dog will like the different vi …
Jul 11, 2023 Clint Howitz

Dog Fans Recycle Cans for Local Shelters

Dog Fans Recycle Cans for Local Shelters

Getting involved with a local shelter or rescue is easier than you might think. While you may be familiar with the idea of volunteering at a shelter or fostering dogs, there’s a new way to give back that requires little to no commitment on your part: recycling cans for a local shelter! Now you can simultaneously help the environment and animals. Talk about a win-win!How to Recycle for a Shelter4 Luv of Dog Rescue, a local shelter near dogIDs, has instilled a convenient system that lets people ch …
Jul 11, 2023 Lacey Guck

4 Tips to Help You with Training Your Dog

4 Tips to Help You with Training Your Dog

There is no best way to train your dog. As long as you put the effort in and strengthen your bond, the training will be just fine. Here are some tips that you can keep in mind when teaching your dog commands and tricks! Keep on training throughout your dog’s life. It's a common misconception that once you’re done training your dog, you can stop. Dogs learn throughout their lives and you should reinforce their training so that they don’t forget. Just like the old saying, if you don’t use it, yo …
Jul 11, 2023 Clint Howitz

5 Life Lessons Dogs Can Teach Us

5 Life Lessons Dogs Can Teach Us

When I sit back and think about the quirks of each of my pets, it’s really interesting to compare my cats to my dog. Captain is my old man cat and is cranky, lazy and finicky, albeit a cuddle bug at night. Little Girl is young at heart, rambunctious, a little crazy and always into something.And then there’s Brick. He often sports his sad, gentle eyes during downtime, but mostly he is a happy dog. With this in mind, I wanted to list the5 life lessons we all can learn from dogs.1. Make every …
Jul 11, 2023 Amanda Huggett

Should I Really Microchip my Dog?

Should I Really Microchip my Dog?

As a part of National Microchipping Month, the big question we want to answer is "Should I microchip my dog?"The short answer is YES.Why not take every step possible to improve the odds of your lost dog being returned home? However, microchipping is not enough. Only rescues, shelters and veterinary offices have the ability to scan a microchip. There are 2 main types of microchips on the market, so odds are even less that they will have both types of scanners.There is no way to ensure that your …
Jul 10, 2023 Clint Howitz

When Can a Dog Be Left Loose in the House?

When Can a Dog Be Left Loose in the House?

If you currently leave your dog in a crate when he's home alone, you may be wondering when you can trust him to be left loose in the house. This will depend on the dog, of course. Some dogs may never be able to be left loose in the house. If that's the case with your dog, don't feel bad. Crates are great tools to keep dogs safe and out of trouble. Or, you might be leaving your dog in a bedroom or in the kitchen with a pet gate, and that's fine too. The question is, when (if ever) sh …
Jul 10, 2023 Lindsay Stordahl

Reasons Why Cats Should Wear ID Tags

Reasons Why Cats Should Wear ID Tags

Pet ID tags aren't just for dogs. You never know when your cat could get lost, so be on the safe side and make it easier for your cat to get home. Plenty of cat ID tags are available here at dogIDs for small dogs, puppies and cats. The following are some reasons why your cat should never go without ID. ID Tags for CatsIndoor cats won't know how to get home. If your indoor cat gets loose, she won't be familiar with your neighborhood. Not only that, but she will probably feel …
Jul 10, 2023 Lindsay Stordahl

How to Keep Your Dog Calm When Guests Arrive

How to Keep Your Dog Calm When Guests Arrive

The holidays can be stressful enough with out-of-town friends and family visiting. An overly excited dog doesn’t make life easier! Dogs are naturally curious and social animals, which means they can get overwhelmed and overstimulated with the sudden influx of people and activities. It's important to manage their behavior to ensure a peaceful and enjoyable holiday for everyone. I am dealing with this myself as I have a 9-month-old Weimaraner who is extremely friendly. He tries to jump on …
Jul 10, 2023 Lindsay Stordahl

Center Ring Dog Collars for Added Safety

Center Ring Dog Collars for Added Safety

dogIDs offers center ring collars that keep your dog even safer than our standard custom engraved collars. Our center ring dog collars are still made with a personalized name plate riveted on and just as durable as ever, with the added benefit of a center ring as a pivot point for additional safety!Benefits of a Safety RingIf your dog spends time in the woods, in the field, or really anywhere with things that can get caught on collars, there is a concern for safety. But fear not-- y …
Jul 10, 2023 Lacey Guck

Tips for Keeping Your Dog Safe at Night

Tips for Keeping Your Dog Safe at Night

Whether it's a long summer evening or a brisk winter walk after work, you and your dog like to spend time outside when it's dark out. You want to make sure you and your dog are visible to drivers when you’re out and about, so the following are a couple of safety tips to keep in mind, no matter the season.Tips for Keeping Your Dog Safe at NightKeep your dog close Last October I was driving home in the dark, and a neighbor’s Australian shepherd darted in front of my car as I turned a corner in …
Jul 10, 2023 Lindsay Stordahl

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