
dogIDs "How-To" Dog Blog

Dog ID Tags - Not just for Dogs

Dog ID Tags - Not just for Dogs

Our company name may be dogIDs, but you might be surprised by how many tags and collars we make every month that end up on a different kind of pet - from livestock to household animals!Here are a few of our favorite engraving projects for other four-legged friends:Goat Collars for Petting Zoos One of our customers is a zoo with a group of friendly goats. They wanted a better way for their visitors to interact with the goats in the petting zoo, so they ordered personalized collars from …
Jul 10, 2023 Shelby Cochran

Food to Keep Away from Pets for Their Safety

Food to Keep Away from Pets for Their Safety

With the holiday season in full swing, tasty treats and sweet snacks can be found around every corner. Although there are plenty of human foods that your pets can safely enjoy with you, there are many that can cause harm to your pup. Here are a few common foods that you’ll want to keep your dog’s paws off of.Foods to Avoid Giving to Your PetsNuts Nuts are a common snack to put out for your guests, but make sure to keep them out of reach of your pup. Macadamia nuts can cause weakness, v …
Jul 10, 2023 Sabrina Kremer

3 Easy Tricks to Teach Your Dog Today

3 Easy Tricks to Teach Your Dog Today

I wanted to come up with a couple of easy tricks dog owners could teach their dogs of any age. The tricks are “speak,” “play dead” and “roll over.” These aren’t necessarily the only ways to teach these commands, but hopefully they can help you brainstorm. And let us know if your dog can do any fun tricks! 3 Easy Tricks to Teach Your DogSpeak I taught my dog Ace to speak, and it was really easy! Here are the steps I followed:Step 1: Think of a scenario where you know your dog is lik …
Jul 10, 2023 Lindsay Stordahl

How to Break Up A Dog Fight the Right Way

How to Break Up A Dog Fight the Right Way

Hopefully, you’ll never have to break up a fight between dogs, but it could happen sooner or later, especially if you visit dog parks or work at a dog daycare.Thankfully, most dog fights sound worse than they actually are. There's a lot of growling, snarling and posturing, but you can often defuse the situation with a quick “hey!” or clapping your hands. Often enough, the dogs will just “shake off” and call it good.Of course, that’s not always the case so I reached out to three professionals to …
Jul 10, 2023 Lindsay Stordahl

7 Methods for Exercising Your Dog

7 Methods for Exercising Your Dog

Dogs appreciate mental and physical challenges. Some dogs won’t feel tired or relaxed unless their owners find a way to accomplish both. Here are seven great options forExercising your dog:1) “Obedience” walksA walk is one thing, but how about a walk where your dog has to work his mind? Practice commands such as heel, sit, down, stay and come. Use treats if necessary to encourage your dog to pay attention. Switch directions often. Walk at different speeds. Walk in a zig-zag pattern. Sure, you mi …
Jul 10, 2023 Lindsay Stordahl

Common Puppy Potty Training Mistakes

Common Puppy Potty Training Mistakes

Have you ever heard a puppy owner say something like, "She just doesn't get it! I take her outside and she still pees in the house"? Some puppies are harder to potty train than others, but a big factor is actually how consistent the owner is with the training. It's about rewarding the good behavior, but it's also about preventing the unwanted behavior. Even with all the information out there about puppy potty training, new dog owners still seem to have problems. I asked three dog trainers …
Jul 10, 2023 Lindsay Stordahl

How to Help Your Dog Adjust to a New Home

How to Help Your Dog Adjust to a New Home

Moving into your new home can be a process. You’re probably excited to start this new journey, but it’s important to remember that this new place can be scary for your pet.My dog and I recently moved into a new apartment and it was a big change for him. It’s important to remember that you’re not the only one that has to get used to a new place - your dog does too. Here are some of the things I found that helped my dog adjust when his whole world changed.Moving With Your DogPlace of His OwnIf pos …
Jul 10, 2023 Sabrina Kremer

Pet Trusts: Providing for Fido After You Pass

Pet Trusts: Providing for Fido After You Pass

You may have heard of people in the news who left millions of dollars to their pets after they passed on. While most of us can’t afford quite that much, there are still ways each of us can make sure that our beloved animal companions are cared for if we’re not able to do it anymore.Whatever your situation, you don’t have to be elderly or ill to set up a trust for your pet, and it’s probably easier and cheaper than you might think. To find out more about how trusts work, we talked to some experts …
Jul 10, 2023 Amanda Huggett

Benefits of Spaying or Neutering your Dog

Benefits of Spaying or Neutering your Dog

February is National Spay/Neuter Awareness Month. It's a month where we remind all pet owners that unless you are planning to become a responsible dog breeder, the best option is to spay/neuter your pet. To shed some light on the subject, we created an infographic that shares all of the benefits that come from caring for your pet through a spay or neuter.Spaying or Neutering Your Pet Having pets spayed or neutered helps cut down on the amount of animals that go into shelters each year.Ben …
Jul 10, 2023 Shelby Cochran

Planning Ahead for a Dog Adoption

Planning Ahead for a Dog Adoption

Are you thinking about adopting a dog? Congratulations! While adopting a new dog should be fun, it's still a little overwhelming to bring in a new family member - especially if you're the one doing all the work. It can also be stressful for your existing pets. While some stress is unavoidable, here are a few suggestions to...Help dog adoption go as smoothly as possible.Don't expect the new dog to be perfectly housebroken. Your new dog may or may not be potty trained. Even if someone from th …
Jul 10, 2023 Lindsay Stordahl

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