dogIDs "How-To" Dog Blog

Popular Dog Breeds - Which Might Be Right for You!
If you’re reading this, chances are you’re already a dog lover. But how much do you know about the various breeds out there? We wanted to find out which breeds were the most popular in the U.S., so we’ve compiled this list, based on information from the AKC and around the Internet. See how much you know about popular dog breeds!Popular Dog Breeds Labrador Retriever Topping the…
Best Dog Breeds for First-Time Pet Parents
What Are the Best Dog Breeds for First-Time Pet Parents?Every dog is an individual, regardless of her breed or mix of breeds. When you're thinking about getting a dog, you'll receive tons of opinions about which breed of dog is best for you and you'll have to take that advice in stride. For example, golden retrievers and Labs are often recommended as great family pets, but some retrievers can also…