dogIDs "How-To" Dog Blog

4 Tips to Help You with Training Your Dog
There is no best way to train your dog. As long as you put the effort in and strengthen your bond, the training will be just fine. Here are some tips that you can keep in mind when teaching your dog commands and tricks! Keep on training throughout your dog’s life. It's a common misconception that once you’re done training your dog, you can stop. Dogs learn throughout their lives and you should r…
3 Easy Tricks to Teach Your Dog Today
I wanted to come up with a couple of easy tricks dog owners could teach their dogs of any age. The tricks are “speak,” “play dead” and “roll over.” These aren’t necessarily the only ways to teach these commands, but hopefully they can help you brainstorm. And let us know if your dog can do any fun tricks! 3 Easy Tricks to Teach Your DogSpeak I taught my dog Ace to speak, and it was rea…
How to Help Your Dog Get Used to Car Rides
Some of us take it for granted that our dogs are calm and content riding in the car. It is a stressful or scary experience for a lot of dogs, causing them to whine or bark the entire time or to become car sick. The following are some tips to help your dog get used to the car or to make sure riding in the car remains a positive experience for your newly adopted dog or puppy. Tips to help…
Five Reasons to Try Dog Agility
Dog agility is a sport where a handler and dog work together as a team. The handler directs the off-leash dog through an obstacle course. During an actual competition, each dog is judged on time and accuracy. Some people and dogs participate in agility for fun without actually competing. Others travel across the country to test their skills against other teams. Here are someReasons to give agility…
What to Know About Grabbing a Dog by the Scruff
What is the scruff?The scruff is the loose skin around your dog’s neck. If you’ve ever seen a mama dog with her puppies, you’ve probably seen her pick them up by their scruff when they wander too far away. She knows exactly how to grab them so that she doesn’t cause any pain or harm. The pups go limp and allow their mother to carry them back to safety. Although doggie moms carry their pups by the…
How to Avoid These Dog Training Mistakes
I write about dog training fairly often on this blog, including all the things you should teach your dog such as to heel or to interact appropriately with other dogs, etc.But what are some things a dog owner shouldn’t do while training a dog?The following are some of the top dog training mistakes people make, according to the dog trainers I interviewed. I don't know about you, b…