dogIDs "How-To" Dog Blog

Safety Tips for Visiting the Dog Park
Dogs and their owners often love the dog park! However, sometimes one poor experience at the dog park can make a dog fearful or aggressive during future visits. The following are some tips to help keep the dog park a safe and positive place for you and your dog. Feel free to share your own safety tips in the comments. Dog Park Safety Tips1. Exercise your dog beforehand. Yes, the dog pa…
Playing Fetch with Rules to Make it Even More Fun
Have you met the dogIDs spokesdog, River? One of his favorite sports is fetch. If there were a professional fetching team, River would be captain.Playing fetch can be a great form of exercise for a dog, but it can also give the dog a mental workout if there are a few "rules." Adding rules to a simple game is a great way to build a dog's self control. While we want our dogs to have fun, it's also i…
4 Tips to Help You with Training Your Dog
There is no best way to train your dog. As long as you put the effort in and strengthen your bond, the training will be just fine. Here are some tips that you can keep in mind when teaching your dog commands and tricks! Keep on training throughout your dog’s life. It's a common misconception that once you’re done training your dog, you can stop. Dogs learn throughout their lives and you should r…
Tips for Keeping Your Dog Safe at Night
Whether it's a long summer evening or a brisk winter walk after work, you and your dog like to spend time outside when it's dark out. You want to make sure you and your dog are visible to drivers when you’re out and about, so the following are a couple of safety tips to keep in mind, no matter the season.Tips for Keeping Your Dog Safe at NightKeep your dog close Last October I was driving home…
7 Methods for Exercising Your Dog
Dogs appreciate mental and physical challenges. Some dogs won’t feel tired or relaxed unless their owners find a way to accomplish both. Here are seven great options forExercising your dog:1) “Obedience” walksA walk is one thing, but how about a walk where your dog has to work his mind? Practice commands such as heel, sit, down, stay and come. Use treats if necessary to encourage your dog to pay a…
Can Dogs Eat Peas and What are the Benefits?
Raise Your Paw If You Love Peas!If you look at the ingredients on the back of your dog’s dry food bag or are looking for homemade dog food recipes to make your dog, you might notice a popular ingredient is peas. We have to be careful what ingredients we give our dogs, so you are probably wondering, can dogs eat peas? The short answer is yes. They typically are good for humans and pups! We’ll walk…
How to Exercise Your Dog When It’s Hot Outside
Sometimes it’s just too dang hot out to do any serious exercising with your dog. I normally recommend a walk every single day for most dogs, but I live in an area where it rarely gets above 85 degrees (that’s nothing for some of you!). For unbearably hot days, I still try to walk at 5 a.m. or in the evening, but I know that’s not always possible and some pups really need a mid-day activity.…
Five Reasons to Try Dog Agility
Dog agility is a sport where a handler and dog work together as a team. The handler directs the off-leash dog through an obstacle course. During an actual competition, each dog is judged on time and accuracy. Some people and dogs participate in agility for fun without actually competing. Others travel across the country to test their skills against other teams. Here are someReasons to give agility…
What Are Your Unspoken Rules While Dog Walking?
Each dog owner has her own set of “rules” she follows while out and about with her pup.For example, I’m pretty firm with my two dogs and don’t let them get away with much. (Tough love.) I’m sure you have your own dog walking “rules” as well, whether as a fellow dog owner or when using a dog walking service.And have you ever come across another dog on a walk and thought to yourself, “My dog would n…
What to Know About Dog Daycare Best Practices
If you’re considering sending your dog to daycare, there are some things you should consider.Dog daycare is a place for your pup to socialize with other dogs and it gives them ample opportunity to exercise throughout the day, which is especially great if they’re left alone at home for most of the day. However, there can be problems with dog daycares: if your dog is anxious or aggressive around oth…
5 Tips to Keep Your Senior Dog More Active
If you have a senior dog, you might have noticed he’s having a harder time keeping up while walking or running. Or maybe he’s stiff and sore after playing at the park, chasing a ball or doing agility. My own Lab mix is 9 years old. He used to be my running buddy, but today we stick to short walks because longer exercise sessions are hard on his joints. Obviously, dog owners want to ke…
Tips to Consider for Running With a Dog
Running With Your Dog TipsThinking of running with your dog? Do you know how many dogs would be so jealous if they only knew? I've gone running with about 100 different dogs over the years through my dog running business, and here are my tips for running with your pup. Tips for running with a dog1. Keep the leash short. I know this is obvious to those of us who've been running with dogs…
The Many Benefits of Exercising Your Dog
As dog owners, we want our furry friends to live as long as possible. Here are some tips for exercising your dog!Benefits of Dog Exercise Exercising your dog isn’t just to control their weight, but it can also help with diseases such as hip dysplasia and heart disease. It also improves bone and joint health, as well as lung function. Having your dog exercise every day will help tire them…
5 Puppy Exercise Tips: How to Get Your Puppy Tired
If you have a puppy, you’re probably looking for some ideas on how to safely tire him out, especially if he’s in that naughty, “teenage” stage. Taking your puppy for walks is a good idea, but you may be wondering how far you can walk him without putting too much stress on his joints. And, is it safe to take him running? I asked two dog trainers to share some of their ideas for exercising…
Paw-Mazing Ideas for Summer with your Dog
Summer is winding down, but that doesn't mean the fun with our dogs doesn't stop! We've built a list of ideas for summer with your dog, just in case you're running low on things to do. What better way to spend the lazy days of summer than to enjoy quality time with our canine companions? Here are a few ways to include your furry friend in your summer plans.Have some splashing fun in the waterDogs…