dogIDs "How-To" Dog Blog

First Things You Should Teach a New Puppy
“Start training right away.” That’s what you’ll hear if you add a new puppy to your family. Good advice, but also overwhelming. Puppies need to learn their names and basic commands but also how to walk on a leash, where to go potty and how to interact with other pets. Where to even begin? I turned to four experienced dog trainers and asked for their tips. You can’t go wrong t…
What to Know About Grabbing a Dog by the Scruff
What is the scruff?The scruff is the loose skin around your dog’s neck. If you’ve ever seen a mama dog with her puppies, you’ve probably seen her pick them up by their scruff when they wander too far away. She knows exactly how to grab them so that she doesn’t cause any pain or harm. The pups go limp and allow their mother to carry them back to safety. Although doggie moms carry their pups by the…
How to Stop a Puppy from Biting
Should My Puppy Bite?If you've ever been nipped by a playful puppy, you know how bad those little teeth can hurt. It's also important that we teach our puppies not to bite so they don't continue to do so as they grow up. The following are some tips to teach your puppy appropriate manners.Stop a Puppy from Biting1. Rotate which toys are available.One way to prevent your puppy from biting you is to…
What to Do When an Off-Leash Dog Charges You
What Do You Do When a Dog Charges you? You’ve probably been out walking your dog, minding your own business, when someone’s off-leash dog charges you. While this is often annoying, it’s usually no big deal as long as both dogs are friendly. But what if your dog isn’t friendly? Or, what if the approaching dog isn’t friendly? The following are some tips on possible ways to handle an approachi…
How to Help a Dog Feel Calm When Left Alone
"Separation anxiety" is a phrase that's often used when a dog becomes anxious when left alone. Some dogs with separation anxiety will bark all day when left alone. Others are so nervous they have accidents, and some dogs will destroy property in an attempt to get out of the house.On the other hand, just because your dog is acting this way does not necessarily mean he has true "separation anxiety."…
5 Commands Every Dog Should Know
While we're all aware our dogs should know basic commands, sometimes we need a reminder on why certain commands are so important and how they can even save a dog's life. This is my list of the top 5 commands I believe all dogs should know and respond to. If you have additional commands to add to the list, please mention them in the comments. 5 Commands Every Dog Should Know1. S…
6 Tips for Introducing a Puppy to Your Adult Dog
So you’re planning on adopting a puppy or younger dog, but how will your current dog react? You may need a bit of help before introducing a puppy to an older dog. Maybe she generally loves other dogs, but you’re worried she’ll be jealous or that a puppy will be too playful for her. How can you help the introduction go as smoothly as possible? The following are some ideas that should help…
Common Fears in Dogs and How You Can Help
I fostered a dog last month who was scared to put her paws on different surfaces. Pavement and carpeted floors were no big deal, but tiles were scary and so was our kitchen floor!In her case, I figured she just hadn’t been exposed to those kinds of surfaces early on in her life, and after a few days she realized they were safe.Dogs develop all sorts of different fears, and I asked a couple of prof…
The Top 3 Leashes for Everyday Dog Ownership
Depending on what activities you like to do with your dog, you may need a variety of different leashes for each situation. In this post, I’ll go over a couple of popular leash options and give some examples of when each leash could be used. If you have a favorite type of leash, let me know in the comments!Different types of leashes for dogsThe basic snap leash Snap leashes are your typic…
Should You Kennel Train Your Dog?
When you adopt a new dog, everyone you talk to will give you unsolicited training advice. Visit the dog park/don't  visit the dog park. Use a slip collar/don't use a slip collar. It's a lot of conflicting information to work through! When it comes to kennel training a dog, you will also hear a variety of opinions, and it's hard to know what to do. Personally, I'm a big fan o…
5 Home Remedies To Soothe Your Dog's Itchy Skin
Is your dog constantly scratching because of itchy skin? We found some of the most effective remedies for your itchy dog that are already in your home. We always feel sad for our poor little pups when they are constantly itching. These remedies are easy, effective, and already at your fingertips. In addition to taking the DIY route, you might consider a daily supplement to help your dog’s…
How To Care For Your Nylon Dog Collar
Nylon collars are a great option for your pet. With a variety of colors to pick from, you can match your pup's personality. But what happens when your nylon collar starts to show wear and tear?Here are the dogIDs tips for caring for your nylon dog collar.Nylon Collar CareHow to Set the Color of Your Nylon CollarIt's always exciting to order a new collar for your best friend. dogIDs offers a variet…
Tips to Consider for Running With a Dog
Running With Your Dog TipsThinking of running with your dog? Do you know how many dogs would be so jealous if they only knew? I've gone running with about 100 different dogs over the years through my dog running business, and here are my tips for running with your pup. Tips for running with a dog1. Keep the leash short. I know this is obvious to those of us who've been running with dogs…
How to Stop a Dog From Counter Surfing - 4 Tips
You set a bag of rolls on the counter and then head out to your car to carry in another grocery bag. You’re gone a whole 30 seconds and … the rolls are gone! Raise your hand if your dog is guilty of this! Do any of you have dogs that like to steal food off the counters? Not only is this frustrating, but it can even be dangerous if the dog takes something that could be harmful, like ch…
How to Stop a Dog From Eating Poop
Does your dog have the gross habit of eating his own poop? Or maybe snacking on your other dog's poop? No one wants to receive doggy kisses after that! And how about when you're at the dog park and sure enough there's your dog munching on turds! Embarrassing!Surprisingly, poop eating is actually a fairly common problem in dogs, right Syrus?Syrus is one of the dogIDs dogs, and he has a tendency to…