dogIDs "How-To" Dog Blog
10 Benefits of Personalized Dog Collars
Benefits of Personalized Dog CollarsWhile dog identification tags and personalized buckle collars are popular ways to identify your dog, dogIDs ScruffTag, NamePlate and Embroidered Collars offer several advantages over traditional tags and engraved buckle collars. Here are some of the benefits that will ensure your dog stays known and safely home.More Secure: Dog ID tags can fall off or become damaged, leaving your dog without identification. Personalized collars, on the other hand, boldly displ
Jul 08, 2023
What to Know About Grabbing a Dog by the Scruff
What is the scruff?The scruff is the loose skin around your dog’s neck. If you’ve ever seen a mama dog with her puppies, you’ve probably seen her pick them up by their scruff when they wander too far away. She knows exactly how to grab them so that she doesn’t cause any pain or harm. The pups go limp and allow their mother to carry them back to safety. Although doggie moms carry their pups by the scruff, it is not recommended to carry dogs in this way. Since we humans don’t have the natural inst
Jul 08, 2023