dogIDs "How-To" Dog Blog
The Many Benefits of Adopting Senior Dogs
November is Adopt a Senior Dog Month! Because older dogs are often overlooked in shelters in place of a fluffy, energetic puppy, we wanted to highlight some of the amazing things that come with having a pup in your home with more mileage.There are various reasons people prefer younger dogs, but older dogs have so much to offer as well! Here are some reasons you might want to think twice about the age of your next adopted friend.Why seniors end up in sheltersSenior dogs often end up in shelters f
Jun 30, 2023
Improving the Lives of Senior Dogs - Paw It Forward
Paw It Forward Program was created at dogIDs as a way to help improve the lives of dogs. This summer we are excited to feature the Grey Muzzle Organization in our program. The last time dogIDs was partnered with Grey Muzzle, we were able to raise $3,964 in donations from our amazing customers. We loved partnering up with such a great organization and can’t wait to work with them again.
Click to learn more about our Paw It
Nov 25, 2022
Paw It Forward Now To Improve The Lives Of Dogs
Paw It Forward With dogIDs
Started in 2015, our Paw It Forward program gives our customers the opportunity to support wonderful organizations that improve the lives of dogs. Every dog lover that shops on our site can donate $1, $5 or more to the nonprofit we’re featuring for the quarter.
At dogIDs, our mission is to improve the lives of dogs. We seek only the best partners to feature for this program. Past partners have included Best Friends Animal Society, Military Working Dog Team Support
Nov 24, 2022