dogIDs "How-To" Dog Blog

What to Know About Grabbing a Dog by the Scruff
What is the scruff?The scruff is the loose skin around your dog’s neck. If you’ve ever seen a mama dog with her puppies, you’ve probably seen her pick them up by their scruff when they wander too far away. She knows exactly how to grab them so that she doesn’t cause any pain or harm. The pups go limp and allow their mother to carry them back to safety. Although doggie moms carry their pups by the…
Embroidered Awareness Dog Leashes
When I foster dogs, it would be great to have a leash that says “ADOPT ME” to let people know the cute dog at my side is looking for a home. I like to take my foster dogs out and about to public places to get them attention, but I’m shy about starting conversations with strangers. This type of leash could help me get a conversation going with potential adopters. dogIDs is now offering…
What Are Your Unspoken Rules While Dog Walking?
Each dog owner has her own set of “rules” she follows while out and about with her pup.For example, I’m pretty firm with my two dogs and don’t let them get away with much. (Tough love.) I’m sure you have your own dog walking “rules” as well, whether as a fellow dog owner or when using a dog walking service.And have you ever come across another dog on a walk and thought to yourself, “My dog would n…
Why Should I Use A Safety Collar?
Safety Collars From dogIDsIf you are looking for a new collar for your adventurous dog, a waterproof safety collar might be right for you. When dogs are playing in a yard or out in the open, they can get stuck on objects such as a branch or a fence. A safety collar allows your pet to free themselves from that object. Learn more in this great video: Looking to buy a Safety Collar? Check out our fa…
Different Types of Service Dogs and Their Jobs
All dogs are good dogs, at least in our book. However, there is a group of trained professionals who do a little more good than the rest. These canines are service dogs.For someone who is unfamiliar with the fundamentals of the working dog world, there are many different types of service dogs, each with their own specializations.Though still working dogs, therapy dogs and emotional support animals…
What to Do if You See a Dog Left in a Hot Car
I leave my dog in the car from time to time. I live in a coastal town where the mornings are cloudy, and we have a cool sea breeze. My dog waits for me while I run in to pick up a prescription or whatever it might be. I love my dog very much, but I know some people would find my actions inexcusable. There are, of course, very serious risks to leaving a dog alone in the car, and anyone…
6 Tips for Introducing a Puppy to Your Adult Dog
So you’re planning on adopting a puppy or younger dog, but how will your current dog react? You may need a bit of help before introducing a puppy to an older dog. Maybe she generally loves other dogs, but you’re worried she’ll be jealous or that a puppy will be too playful for her. How can you help the introduction go as smoothly as possible? The following are some ideas that should help…
Common Fears in Dogs and How You Can Help
I fostered a dog last month who was scared to put her paws on different surfaces. Pavement and carpeted floors were no big deal, but tiles were scary and so was our kitchen floor!In her case, I figured she just hadn’t been exposed to those kinds of surfaces early on in her life, and after a few days she realized they were safe.Dogs develop all sorts of different fears, and I asked a couple of prof…
When Should I Replace My Dog's Collar?
Some dog collars are made better than others. The same is true for dog ID tags. Some collars and tags are designed to last the lifetime of the dog, while others may only last a few months.I'd like to start a discussion on when a dog's collar should be replaced for the safety of the dog. Feel free to chime in with your thoughts and let us know how often you have to replace your dog's collar and tag…
The Top 3 Leashes for Everyday Dog Ownership
Depending on what activities you like to do with your dog, you may need a variety of different leashes for each situation. In this post, I’ll go over a couple of popular leash options and give some examples of when each leash could be used. If you have a favorite type of leash, let me know in the comments!Different types of leashes for dogsThe basic snap leash Snap leashes are your typic…
Is Tug of War a Safe Game to Play With Your Dog?
Tug of War is a fun game between dogs or between a person and a dog. I play tug with my Lab mix Ace almost every day. He loves it! But, my dog also growls and shakes the toy and gets overly excited at times, so I can see why some people might think tug encourages a little too much aggression. You may have even heard some people say you should always make sure to “win.” I asked a few others…
Should You Kennel Train Your Dog?
When you adopt a new dog, everyone you talk to will give you unsolicited training advice. Visit the dog park/don't  visit the dog park. Use a slip collar/don't use a slip collar. It's a lot of conflicting information to work through! When it comes to kennel training a dog, you will also hear a variety of opinions, and it's hard to know what to do. Personally, I'm a big fan o…
What Should You Do If You Find a Dog in the Cold?
With winter storms sweeping across the United States, it’s more important than ever to keep an eye on your pets outside and look out for other animals as well. The Bomb Cyclone has passed, but cold weather is here to stay a while longer.It seems that every summer local news stations air story after story about what to do if you find a dog locked in a hot car. Yet, we don’t seem to hear a thing abo…
What to Know About Dog Daycare Best Practices
If you’re considering sending your dog to daycare, there are some things you should consider.Dog daycare is a place for your pup to socialize with other dogs and it gives them ample opportunity to exercise throughout the day, which is especially great if they’re left alone at home for most of the day. However, there can be problems with dog daycares: if your dog is anxious or aggressive around oth…
What to Do If Your Dog Gets Lost
Having a pet go missing is every pet owner's nightmare. We keep our pets safe and hope that day never comes, but what if it does? Check out these tips to help get your pet home safely!StepsSearch the immediate areaGo to pounds and sheltersPost flyers around townCheck internet lost and found sitesLeave food, water and clothing out for your dog to come back toPet identification could mean the differ…