dogIDs "How-To" Dog Blog

Why are dogIDs Products Lifetime Guaranteed?
Lifetime Guaranteed? Really? How?We like to keep things as simple as possible at dogIDs; practical with absolutely no cutting corners when it comes to quality. Since this is such a strong value for us here, we believe strongly in the products we make and thoroughly field test them to make sure others will see the same quality that we do. When you believe strongly in the quality of your work and th…
dogIDs Dog ID Tags Lifetime Guaranteed. How?
Deep Laser Engraving is Our Differentiator at dogIDsHere at dogIDs we promote our dog tags for dogs and pets, personalized dog collars and personalized dog accessories as having deep laser engraving lifetime guaranteed and vehemently stand behind this. But why? Well, every once in a while I have to do some experimenting to remind myself why. And every time, I'm completely amazed at how difficult i…
Keeping Your Pet ID Tags Current
Your pet’s ID tag is his ticket home if he gets lost.But how many dogs wear tags with old addresses or disconnected phone numbers? Or what about collars with no tags or nameplates at all?Responsible dog owners do irresponsible things sometimes. We’re all guilty. We spend money on new collars without bothering to order new tags. “Oh, we’ll just use the old tags,” we say. Then we wait days or weeks…