
dogIDs "How-To" Dog Blog

4 Fantastic Homemade Dog Food Recipes

4 Fantastic Homemade Dog Food Recipes

Making homemade dog food recipes is becoming more popular. There are several reasons that people want to try a new dog food, or new food preparation for their dog. Some of those factors include your dog being sick, has IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). If your dog fits into these categories then switching from store bought food might be your answer. Get 56 homemade dog food recipes here! Making homemade dog food is becoming more popular, so we thought it would be valuable to add some of our …
Jul 09, 2023 Hannah Savoy

What to Do if Your Dog Won’t Listen

What to Do if Your Dog Won’t Listen

                                       We’ve all been there, right?Maybe you’re ready to leave the dog park, so you call your dog to go home ... only he doesn’t come when you call him. So frustrating! It seems your dog won't listen to you when you want him to.Or maybe you ask him to sit during a walk when another dog is passing, and he absolutely refuses to sit.Your dog probably knows commands lik …
Jul 09, 2023 Lindsay Stordahl

Our Spokesdog River's Favorite Dog Products

Our Spokesdog River's Favorite Dog Products

Our spokesdog, River, is a very active yellow labrador who loves to swim and fetch. River, just like all dogs, always has his favorite toys and treats, so we are making a list of River’s favorite things. He would have liked to type this list himself, but his paws are just too big for the keyboard!River's Favorite ProductsOne of River’s favorite things is our Waterproof ScruffTag Personalized Dog Collar. This collar is very durable! His family doesn’t have to worry about this collar becoming all …
Jul 09, 2023 Clint Howitz

How to Stop a Dog From Barking at Other Dogs

How to Stop a Dog From Barking at Other Dogs

If you have a reactive dog, or even just an overly excited dog, then you know how frustrating it can be when your dog lunges and barks at other dogs on walks. It's embarrassing, to say the least. I reached out to three professional dog trainers to get some realistic tips that dog owners can try if they’re dealing with this type of problem. If you have a dog that tends to bark at other dogs, please feel free to share your own tips in the comments. How to get your dog to stop barking at …
Jul 09, 2023 Lindsay Stordahl

Change a Pet's Life Day - Help Renner Get Adopted

Change a Pet's Life Day - Help Renner Get Adopted

Here at dogIDs we strive to improve the lives of dogs. Each pet deserves a good home, proper care and plenty of walks. dogIDs is happy to introduce you to Renner. With your help we will get Renner and care he needs.On January 24th, dogIDs will celebrate Change a Pet's Life Day by donating a dollar for every order made that day. You may be wondering why we picked Renner. This pup's bad luck made him a perfect candidate for our first Change a Pet's Life Day event. Meet Renner Renner is a 2-year-o …
Jul 09, 2023 Hannah Savoy

Can Dogs Eat Peas and What are the Benefits?

Can Dogs Eat Peas and What are the Benefits?

Raise Your Paw If You Love Peas!If you look at the ingredients on the back of your dog’s dry food bag or are looking for homemade dog food recipes to make your dog, you might notice a popular ingredient is peas. We have to be careful what ingredients we give our dogs, so you are probably wondering, can dogs eat peas? The short answer is yes. They typically are good for humans and pups! We’ll walk you through why peas are generally healthy for dogs but why they might not be perfect for your pet. …
Jul 09, 2023 Guest Blogger

How to Stop a Dog From Barking in the Yard

How to Stop a Dog From Barking in the Yard

Dogs bark. They bark at the door. They bark in the yard. They bark when they see other dogs. They bark when they're scared or excited or frustrated. It's one of the many ways they communicate. It's not really "bad" like we have been conditioned to believe but it does get annoying at times.Not surprisingly, one of the most common behavioral questions dog owners have is how do I stop my dog from barking?Of course, it all depends on the exact situation and the exact dog. For this post, I'm focusing …
Jul 09, 2023 Lindsay Stordahl

How to Choose the Right Dog Trainer

How to Choose the Right Dog Trainer

How did you go about choosing a trainer for your dog? Did you read reviews? Did you choose the trainer a friend recommended? Did you make your decision based on cost? We would love your feedback because choosing a trainer can be such an overwhelming process for new dog owners. The following are some ideas from two professional trainers to hopefully help you make the best choice for your dog if you need help with training. Also check out our post on common dog training mistakes.How to choo …
Jul 08, 2023 Lindsay Stordahl

Five Perks to Owning a Mixed-Breed Dog

Five Perks to Owning a Mixed-Breed Dog

My mutt Ace is a big, drooly black Lab mix with long legs and a blocky head. Most people think he’s some sort of great dane or hound mix, but all his mixed-breed DNA test could tell me was “50 percent Labrador.” When I adopted my dog, I wasn’t set on any particular breed or mixed breed, but I did know I wanted to adopt a dog in need. This allowed me to choose a dog based on personality, temperament and energy vs. the dog’s appearance, which is the best advice I can give anyone whe …
Jul 08, 2023 Lindsay Stordahl

Clean Safely: dog friendly cleaning products

Clean Safely: dog friendly cleaning products

These days it seems like nothing is safe anymore. Artificial ingredients, chemicals and GMOs, report after report caution against the dangers in using many commercial items, from beauty products to food to medicine. While it’s important to be an informed consumer regarding the products we buy for ourselves, how it affects our pets is a whole other animal (no pun intended).Harmful Cleaning Products Many cleaning products that you can pick up at the store contain chemicals that are known t …
Jul 08, 2023 Amanda Huggett

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